[Aug 2021] Discord Monthly Update

2021-08 TGH discord monthly update banner.png

Hello gameHERs! It’s Karina here. As part of our commitment to cultivate a welcoming and engaging community, the team at the*gameHERs (TGH) is excited to introduce Discord Monthly Updates. 🥳

So, what is this and why should I read this?

A healthy community is an informed community! We want to make sure that we’re being transparent and clear with our gameHERs when it comes to any changes to our Discord server. And what better way than a short written update sprinkled with GIFs and emojis? 😏

With these monthly updates, you can expect:

  • TGH Discord updates such as channel changes, community events, member opportunities, and more.

  • Status and approval updates on suggestions posted in the #suggestions channel.

  • Major TGH updates such as the*gameHERs Awards, TGH App, TGH Collegiate Division, and more.



Community events 🎊

Yes, that’s right. We’re bringing back community events and we’re committed to making them consistent. We’ve got a lot of ideas but before we can start planning them, we need some feedback from you! We need to know what time works best for our community so that we can begin scheduling events. Please vote in the #announcements channel with which time works best for you!


Server changes

  • Our community is growing and growing, with more than 100 new people joining the server over one weekend—that’s incredible! But that also means our #general-lounge is getting flooded with automated welcome messages. For the moment, we’ve paused these messages and the team will be discussing potential solutions to more effectively utilize and/or log them.

  • We want to own up and apologize. Previously, the language that we used to describe the #people-with-disabilities channel was using language filled with ableism. This is not what TGH stands for and we want to sincerely apologize to those who were offended, hurt, or felt unwelcome due to the description. We also want to thank the community member who pointed this out to the team. We have since changed the language to be more inclusive. If you notice anything on the TGH Discord server that makes you feel uncomfortable, please send a message to the team through ModMail.


Suggestions 🤔

This section is longer than usual as the team went through a backlog of suggestions that were not previously addressed, so please bear with us as we work toward implementing these changes! Please note that the team went through all suggestions on July 17, any suggestions made after July 17 will be reviewed at our next monthly mod meeting.

Approved suggestions

We will be working toward implementing these changes this month:

  • Suggestion #1 - Adding in a fingergun emoji

  • Suggestion #4 - Toning down emojis in channel names 

  • Suggestion #11 - Lowering the amount of channels

  • Suggestion #14 - Adding in Knockout City role

  • Suggestion #16 - Facilitating discussions around gaming

  • Suggestion #18 - Adding Happy Wars under the XB1 option

  • Suggestion #19 - Hosting a server-wide multiplayer event

Rejected suggestions

  • Suggestion #2 - Adding in Pluralkit Bot

    • While we love and agree with the concept and value behind Pluralkit Bot, there have been security issues with the bot and the TGH Discord team doesn’t currently have the capacity to manage it right now. Alternatively, we recommend utilizing Discord’s newly implemented “About Me” section of your profile.

  • Suggestion #7 - Hosting a karaoke night

    • Unfortunately this won’t be too feasible due to Discord’s audio lag, but thank you for suggesting this!

  • Suggestion #9 - Creating a Sims community page

    • Members have expressed that our server has too many channels and so we’re in the process of narrowing down the number of channels and we’re not currently open to creating new channels. Alternatively, we do have sharing channels and we encourage the use of #💬│general-lounge

  • Suggestion #13 - Creating a Destiny 2 channel

    • As with Suggestion #9, we’re looking to downsize our channels. Instead, the team feels this suggestion would be better as a role.

  • Suggestion #15 - Creating a GTA 5 channel

    • As with Suggestion #9, we’re looking to downsize our channels. Instead, the team feels this suggestion would be better as a role.

  • Suggestion #17 - Creating a Monster Hunter Rise option in “Choose your game”

    • As Monster Hunter Rise is only available for Switch players at the moment, it only caters for a niche community right now. If there is a larger demand for this option, the team will revisit this suggestion!

Tabled suggestions (needs further discussion) 📌

  • Suggestion #3 - Hosting a community movie night

    • We love this idea! Our main concern is copyright and legal issues and more research will be needed before we can move forward with planning.

  • Suggestion #5 - Adding in Pokemon Bot

    • The Pokemon Bot is a super fun addition to a server. Our concern is that there might not be enough engagement with the bot for it to be a good tradeoff with the work that will be needed. The team has tabled this idea for the next meeting to discuss it further.

Completed suggestions 👍

  • Suggestion #8 - Hosting a career event

    • TGH hosted a 3-day Professional Bootcamp on Twitch, watch Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 where you can learn from powerhouses in the gaming industry.

  • Suggestion #10 - Adding a “Mobile (Other)” thread or role


Aaaand that’s it! I’ll see you in the next update and until then, game on. 🎮

💖 Karina

Discord Community Manager

Haven’t joined our Discord community yet? Well, we’re honoured to be the first to give you a personal invite. Come and hop into our online community of gameHERs where you can find other women and femme-identifying players to game with, nerd over the same niche interests, and stay connected to the wider gaming community!