Collegiate Program FAQ

What is the*gameHERs collegiate? 

The*gameHERs Collegiate program provides a safe, inclusive space for collegiate women and femme identifying humans who game and/or have a desire to work in the gaming industry. Our Collegiate Program will also provide connections and opportunities to those interested in pursuing careers in the gaming industry and access to exclusive offerings.

Why did we create a collegiate program?

As a community-building organization, we understand that college-age women and femme-identifying gamers will be one of the most impactful demographics in defining what inclusivity, inclusivity in gaming, and even community means in the coming decades. These will be the the people working in the gaming industry, making meaningful changes. Therefore, community growth in support of women must include those in college and of college age.

What is a collegiate chapter at the*gameHERs?

A collegiate chapter means that a school has signed the code of conduct and may use the*gameHERs logo on school events and branding.

How do I start my own chapter?

To start a Collegiate the*gameHERs chapter, complete this form and someone from our team will be in touch with you soon.

My school doesn’t have an esports program – can I still participate?

Yes, just email and we will send you information on next steps as an individual with any relevant information you can provide about your school.

How does my company or organization become a partner of the*gameHERs collegiate?

To become a Collegiate the*gameHERs partner, complete this form and someone from our team will be in touch with you soon.

PR inquiry?

Please email

Sponsorship inquiry?

Please email