The Women Behind the*gameHERs

We are four incredibly passionate, nerdy women dedicated to building authentically inclusive communities for women gamers by centering all of us. Our colorful background brings together various life experiences and skills, from toy inventing, esports, race relations, and social justice. Our passion for facilitating a space that all women can enjoy is matched by our dedication to bringing you the best that all gameHERs have to offer. 

Together, we all help to make sure the*gameHERs is a space for women gamers like none other. The only part missing is YOU!

Heather, Laura, Rebecca & Verta

Co-Founders from left to right: Laura Deutsch, Rebecca Dixon, Verta Maloney, and Heather Ouida

Co-Founders from left to right: Laura Deutsch, Rebecca Dixon, Verta Maloney, and Heather Ouida