[Feb 2022] Discord Monthly Update

Long time no see friends and a happy belated new year, a happy lunar new year, aaaand the start of Black History Month! We hope your year has been going well so far. We know we’ve been on the quiet side recently but have no fear. It's only because we have a lot of wonderful things planned for this year and there’s lots of behind the scene work going on. Speaking of behind the scenes work, there are plenty of important changes coming to the server (such as an opt-in notification system!), so make sure you read this month's D-Moo to stay in the loop 🐮

We would also like to thank y’all for being awesome members of our community. Please remember to ping @Mod Squad if you see something that goes against our guidelines or is causing a disturbance and we’ll take it from there!


Mod Squad

You might’ve noticed deeper orange colors in the server.. that’s because we’re proud to announce Neon as a Senior Moderator! But there’s more, all of our Junior Moderators are now full-fledged Moderators! Give them a nice shoutout in #general-lounge for all the hard work that they’ve done for our community, and we can’t wait to see them take our Mod Squad to the next level.

Having said that, we’re looking to expand our Mod Squad again! We’re looking for committed members who want to help manage and keep our community safe. Keep your eyes peeled in #announcements for when we open up Junior Moderator applications!

Revamping the role react system

The time has come, we’re finally updating our role react system! There are a lot of changes that the team feels is important to implement, so here’s a quick summary. Note: These changes are currently set to be implemented on February 10.

  • Adding opt-in notification system: You will be able to choose what kind of notifications and announcements you want to be pinged about! Say goodbye to @everyone pings (unless it is an emergency) and hello to less notification clutter. These will be the available notifications that you can choose from:

    • Server updates (related to the Discord server such as updating server channels)

    • TGH updates (related to TGH such as new merch and cool things happening outside of our Discord community)

    • Event notifications (related to any and all events, such as Discord community events, external events, and tournaments)

    • Giveaway notifications (related to any and all giveaways such as Discord-only giveaways and TGH giveaways)

    • Question of the Day notifications (related to whenever we post our #question-of-the-day)

    • Food Fight Friday notifications (related to whenever we post our controversial food-related #question-of-the-day)

  • Adding TGH clubs: We know many of y’all are passionate about the same thing: games! So let’s do something about that. Shoutout to community member beruset who will be leading our first Monthly Video Game Club! You will be able to react to join the club and be notified of discussions, hangouts, and more once we have this set up.

  • These roles will be removed: DJ, DoomDancer, Fitness, Moonveil, all Seeking Work roles, and all Providing Work roles

  • These roles will be removed and merged with another: DnD (merged to Tabletop)

  • Gaming roles that are now cross-platform will be updated accordingly (i.e. all Apex roles will now be merged)

Updating TGH levelling and ranking system

We’ve noticed that lots of you have been climbing up the TGH ladder, from Contributors to Standouts to Achievers—and we want to give those titles more meaning! Starting from February 10, levelling up within our server will now provide you with certain perks:

  • Contributor: Allowed to post photos and have video permissions across server

  • Standout: Allowed to post in #member-content and will be entered into a quarterly giveaway

  • Achiever: Allowed to use external emojis and stickers

  • Superstar: Included in internal discussions about server changes

  • Influencer: Gifted one free TGH merch of your choice

Server updates

Alongside the role revamp, the following changes will also be made on February 10:

  • Opening up all of our community channels to members, including Tabletop & RPG and Streamers channels.

  • Merging #promotion-feed and #livestreaming to a new channel under Sharing Center called #member-content with the following guidelines:

    • Only members with a Standout rank or higher may be able to post

    • Members can only post one message per day

  • If you haven’t noticed already, we’ve implemented user-created temporary voice channels! Take a look at the announcement we made a few weeks ago for more info.

  • We’ll be removing our entire job board system, which means deleting #posting-guide, #job-board, and #seeker-board. Instead, we’ll be adding an #opportunities-board where members can post job listings, volunteering opportunities, and internship positions with no required template.

  • We’ll be adding back a #cosplayer and #food channel

Community events

  • February 4 at 5:30pm (ET) - Skribbl.io with Pearl

  • February 5 at 2pm (ET) - Stardew with Magz

  • February 11 at 9pm (ET) - Dead by Daylight Customs with Neon and Reina

  • February 12 at 7pm (ET) - Crab Game with Aiyana and Circie

  • February 19 at 7pm (ET) - Among Us with Werewolf

  • February 26 at 12pm (ET) - ACNH with Zombie

  • February 26 at 4pm (ET) - Conspiracy Theories with Ego and Karina

Suggestions (before January 29, 2022)

Approved suggestions

We will be working toward implementing these changes this month:

  • Suggestion #36 - Monthly videogame/show/book clubs

  • Suggestion #37 - Adding a Crab Game role (already implemented)

  • Suggestion #38 - Adding the “Free Stuff” bot (already implemented)

  • Suggestion #39 - Adding a Skribbl.io role

  • Suggestion #40 - Giving members photo permissions for channels

  • Suggestion #42 - Creating a VC for non-gaming reasons (already implemented through user-created temporary voice channels)

  • Suggestion #43 - Changing the UK role to UK/Ireland

  • Suggestion #44 - Creating a VC for non-gaming reasons (already implemented through user-created temporary voice channels)

  • Suggestion #47 - Adding a food sharing channel

  • Suggestion #50 - Making the @Mod Squad role taggable (already implemented)

  • Suggestion #51 - Creating opt-in roles (please see notification system in role revamp section)

Rejected suggestions

  • Suggestion #5 - Adding in Pokemon Bot

    • Our team has decided that we won’t be adding in any Discord game bots for the time being due to limited moderation capacity

  • Suggestion #29 - Add time zones roles

    • The aim of our role revamp is to lower the amount of roles that we have, if there’s further demand for these specific roles, the team will revisit this option

  • Suggestion #32 - Adding PS5 roles

    • With our role revamp, we’ll be changing all console names to be more general. For example, PS4 will become PS and XB1 will become XB

  • Suggestion #41 - Adding trading card game roles

    • The aim of our role revamp is to lower the amount of roles that we have, if there’s further demand for these specific roles, the team will revisit this option

  • Suggestion #46 - Adding a Wild Rift role

    • Unfortunately, there’s not enough demand in our community for this role. If there’s further demand, the team will revisit this option

  • Suggestion #48 - Adding the ZeroTwo bot

    • Our team has decided that we won’t be adding in any Discord game bots for the time being due to limited moderation capacity

  • Suggestion #49 - Adding a Power Washing Simulator role

    • Unfortunately, there’s not enough demand in our community for this role. If there’s further demand, the team will revisit this option

Tabled suggestions

  • Suggestion #45 - Adding an adult space

    • More internal discussions are required, but we will keep the community updated

Completed suggestions

  • Suggestion #N/A - Adding a Gartic Phone role

  • Suggestion #30 - Avoiding tournaments that involve Blizzard games

    • Formally, the TGH Discord will not be hosting any tournaments that involve games from Activision Blizzard

  • Suggestion #31 - Adding a Walking Dead: Our World (mobile) role

  • Suggestion #34 - Adding a vtuber role

  • Suggestion #35 - Adding a Stellaris role

Phew, that wraps up this month's D-Moo. We hope you’re as excited for the changes as we are! If you love this community and want to contribute in other ways, keep your eyes open for the Junior Moderator application and other community member opportunities. Also remember to set up your ping notifications in our Discord on February 10. Don’t be a stranger and happy gaming! 🎮

💖 Karina

Discord Community Manager

💖 Leah

the*gameHERs Intern

Haven’t joined our Discord community yet? Well, we’re honoured to be the first to give you a personal invite. Come and hop into our online community of gameHERs where you can find other gameHERs to play with, nerd over the same niche interests, and stay connected to the wider gaming community!