Can You Have As Much Fun Watching Games As Playing Them?


In this piece, a gameHER shares her love of watching video game streams and YouTube channels and how they’ve allowed her to experience the beauty of games that may otherwise be off-limits to her, especially during the pandemic. How have you engaged with streamers? Let us know in the comments below.

By Victoria Phillips Kennedy

Sales of video games and their platforms have gone through the roof this year.

 According to a recent press release from Nintendo, the Nintendo Switch alone sold 735,000 units this October, the second-highest of any video games console ever. That is a whole lot of Mario and Luigi in our lives.

One of their biggest titles, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, was released on March 20, 2020. It immediately became a best seller. This may be in part to the timing, as it was released at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. The pleasant and simple escapism that it provided was like a warm bath and the end of a long day, especially when juxtaposed against the bombardment of conspiracy theories and cynicism that was happening in the real world at the same time.

Another highly anticipated game also became available during the coronavirus pandemic. On June 19th, 2020, The Last of Us Part II (TLOU2) was released.

Despite not offering the same easy-going and comforting game play associated with Animal Crossing (in fact it is almost as opposite as you can get), PlayStation confirmed on its blog that within three days of being released more than 4 million units were sold., making it the fasted selling first-party PlayStation exclusive ever.

Illustration of girl watching video games on her computer

Illustration of girl watching video games on her computer

And there is the problem for many, me included.

Like many others, TLOU2 is just that – an exclusive. And, sadly, not everyone has the luxury to afford multiple game consoles as well as the games and accessories that go with them.

So, can we get as much pleasure from a game if, instead of playing it, we watch it?

Thanks to Twitch Vloggers and YouTube channels such as Outside Xbox and Xtra, TheRadBrad and Euro Gamer, we can see and engage with new releases from start to finish, often as soon as a game is released.

A quick type into YouTube’s search bar will throw up an unbelievable number of walkthroughs, collectible locations, speed runs and tutorials.

This is true not just for new releases, but for older games too.

I found great joy as I discovered YouTube channel Zelda Dungeon, which had videos of my childhood favourite The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. One play of Saria’s Song and I was transported back to sitting on my brother’s Beano bedspread, eating handfuls of Iced Gems as our plucky and pixelated hero took on the perils of Hyrule.

Walkthroughs online can offer us a peek behind the veil, a way to preview the gameplay and plot devices before making any purchases of our own. A virtual road test if you will.

But beyond purchase previews, they also offer a chance for escapism and storytelling.

Channels such as Gamer’s Little Playground, who proudly refers to itself as “The Netflix for Gamers,” have made seamless compilations of videogame cutscenes. What they have created is a multitude of game films that rival that of any blockbuster at the cinema.

From The Simpsons to Resident Evil, there are hours of hugely enjoyable footage to be found. You can binge-watch a whole host of games without the frustration of that one level that you just cannot finish (There is no way I am the only one guilty of rage quitting).

Naughty Dog, the creators of both the Uncharted series and The Last of Us, are known for their realistic story portrayals. The character writing and development in each installment are second to none. Before you realize it, you create an affinity with the characters. You become invested in their arc.

Screenshot from Gamer's Little Playground's cutscenes compilation of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End by Naughty Dog

Screenshot from Gamer's Little Playground's cutscenes compilation of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End by Naughty Dog

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was nothing short of a marvel, beautifully wrapping up a decade long journey of looting, shooting, and jaw-dropping locations. This cinematic wonder won the 2017 DICE award for Outstanding Achievement in Story.

I would not know this without the internet, however. I will put my hands up and admit this: I could not complete the game myself. But I did not want to miss out just because of my slow reflexes and ineptitude. So, I turned to YouTube to fill in the blanks for me. And I am glad that I did – it was wonderful (Yes, I shed some tears).

Video game director and Uncharted writer Amy Hennig told Retro Reply:

“Fundamentally it’s about character and story. We deliberately leaned hard into all the beloved tropes of adventure cinema. [Uncharted] is a love letter to all of that.”

So maybe next time you are struggling to decide on a film to watch or series to binge, take a quick tour of the video game offerings instead. You will not be disappointed.


About the Author:

Victoria is a freelance writer from the UK with a love for good games, bad films and buffet breakfasts. Affectionately known as Lady V, when she tells people she writes about gaming news, they assume she is talking about pheasants and shotguns. She is not. Victoria lives a life of beautiful chaos with her family, and she wouldn't have it any other way. You can follow her on Instagram and Twitter via @LadyV_Writes

Victoria Kennedy, photo courtesy of the author

Victoria Kennedy, photo courtesy of the author

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