Crushing Candy Crush

Candy Crush on a Phone

Piles of dishes, mounds of laundry, unmade beds, and a mile-long list of groceries awaiting my attention.  Not to mention breakfast, lunches, and dinners to prepare! But yet somehow I have endless hours to play Candy Crush, an insanely addictive hobby I took up six years ago and look to forward to seven days a week.

Hi, my name is Stacey Reiss and Candy Crush is my jam. I’m married to a really cool guy whose only addiction is taking really long power walks where no one can keep up! I also have two teenage children and I must confess, my candy crushing ability has impressed even them. Not to brag — although I figure the*gameHERs is the place to do just that — but with a little help from lollipops and stripped and wrapped candy boosters, my current level is 3990. For those of you are unfamiliar with Candy Crush, let’s just say that level is high enough where I recently overheard my daughter proudly telling her friends just how good I am!

So what’s the joy in swiping, crushing and avoiding bombs to eliminate three like-colored pieces of candy until none are left… just to reach the next level? Simple. It totally relaxes me, and is my way of managing stress (and who wouldn’t rather be playing than doing endless household chores).  Some people binge watch Netflix or knit to unwind.  I swipe. 

Written by Stacey Reiss

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