[Dec 2021] Discord Monthly Update

Hello all you lovely people. The holidays are just around the corner and what better way to celebrate than with our fantastic community. This month there will be one big community event, it’ll be a blast! Also, speaking of events, last month the*gameHERs hosted our annual awards. A big congrats to all of our finalists and winners 🏆 Now then, let’s see what’s up in this month’s D-Moo.


End of Year Giveaway

We're nearing the end of the year and also nearing a 5K strong community of gameHERs—it's time to CELEBRATE that! Thank YOU for being a part of our wonderful community, whether you're an active poster 💬 or lurker 👀, you've been a part of creating a welcoming and inclusive space for gamers all around the world. To show our thanks, we're hosting an End of Year Giveaway from December 1 to December 5! See our #🌟│giveaway channel in the server for more information.

Community events

  • Dec 6th - End of Year Giveaway Live Winner Pick (time TBA)

  • (TBD) - TGH House Party: Jingle Edition

    • We want to make this event accessible and available for as many people as we can, so we’d like to ask you to vote for which time and date works best for you in #📣│announcements!

  • Ongoing - Discussions in Allyship & Advocacy

    • We want to connect with you on topics that matter. Over the next few weeks, we’re going to be putting more focus on topics within our Allyship & Advocacy category. We encourage all of our gameHERs to share any and all thoughts that you have, we wanna hear ‘em!

Server updates

  • Now that Discord has rolled out their new in-built event feature, we’ll be saying goodbye to Apollo 😭 and using this new feature instead! Our events will now appear at the top-left underneath our yellow TGH banner.

  • Another new Discord feature that we’ll be introducing is custom role icons! Our fabulous team will be designing specific icons for roles within our community, so stay tuned.

  • While updating our #🎮│choose-your-games with the newly approved suggestions in the Cross Play section, we encountered a bug with MEE6—but no panic. Everyone who has previously reacted still has their roles attached to their profiles, we’re just starting the count from 0. Our team will be getting into contact with MEE6 to find a solution.

  • Speaking of roles, our server has grown and evolved so much over the past year or so that our current role system doesn’t match our server! Our team will be revamping our role system over the next few months and would love any and all feedback on how you would envision our community. Feel free to submit your thoughts to us via ModMail or in our #📮│suggestions channel!

  • We’ve been seeing that more and more scammers are now targeting private conversations and DMs to our members, please be careful when interacting with people you do not know. If you feel as though you have been contacted by a scammer through our server, send us screenshots of your conversation via ModMail. Thank you for keeping our community safe!

Suggestions (before November 27)

Progress updates

  • Suggestion #5 - Adding in Pokemon Bot - Currently on hold

  • Suggestion #29 - Add time zones roles - Planning on minute details such as using UTC or GMT

  • Suggestion #30 - Avoiding tournaments that involve Blizzard games - Internal team discussion has been planned

Approved suggestions

We will be working toward implementing these changes this month:

  • Suggestion #N/A - Adding a Gartic Phone role

  • Suggestion #31 - Adding a Walking Dead: Our World (mobile) role

  • Suggestion #34 - Adding a vtuber role

  • Suggestion #35 - Adding a Stellaris role

Tabled suggestions

  • Suggestion #32 - Adding PS5 roles

    • More thought is needed on whether we should change all of our current PS4 and XB1 roles to simply PS and XB respectively, or keep our current structure and add PS5 game-specific roles for popular and widely played PS5 exclusives

  • Suggestion #33 - Adding a channel for moms and parents

Completed suggestions

  • Suggestion #25 - Adding a VR game category (we will add game-specific roles if there is sufficient interest and demand)

  • Suggestion #27 - Adding a New World role

  • Suggestion #28 - Adding a Diablo role

That’s all for this month, and this year for that matter. Our team is excited to ring in the new year with all the wonderful folks here. Happy gaming and we’ll catch you on the flip side 🎆🎮 

💖 Karina

Discord Community Manager

💖 Leah

the*gameHERs Intern

Haven’t joined our Discord community yet? Well, we’re honoured to be the first to give you a personal invite. Come and hop into our online community of gameHERs where you can find other gameHERs to play with, nerd over the same niche interests, and stay connected to the wider gaming community!

Karina Kwok