[May 2022] Discord Monthly Update

May is finally here! As daylight is starting to last longer, we hope that you’re getting out there and touching some grass. Moving on to another month means another monthly update! We’ve got a few changes in store for you, so let’s hop straight to it.


Server updates

  • With growing demand from the community and running into recurring issues, we will be renaming the following channels:

    • #📟│member-content to #📟│self-promo

    • #🎭│literature-and-film to #🎭│literature-and-media

  • We’re so excited to announce that our server now has a new Forums channel type! This new type of channel allows us to host thriving discussions in our community organized into threads or “posts”. We will be testing out this new channel type for the following channels: #🎭│literature-and-media, #💟│passion, and our TGH Connect Clubs. At the moment, members are not allowed to create new posts however we’re exploring the idea of opening this permission up to members in the future. We would love to hear your feedback on this new feature, feel free to share your thoughts with us in #💬│general-lounge!

Community events

  • May 7 - ACNH Friends Get-Together with LastxFantasy

  • May 7 - Conspiracy Theories with Ego and Karina

  • May 13 - Phasmophobia with KawaiiFoxita

  • May 15 - Quiplash with Chelsea and Pearl

  • May 20 - Dead by Daylight with Werewolf

  • May 28 - Sims 4 Build Challenge with Circie

More events to come and finalize such as a true crime/supernatural event as part of TGH Unsolved, Apex, Quiplash, and Skribbl.io!

Suggestions (before April 30, 2022)

In progress

  • Suggestion #45 - Adding an adult space

  • Suggestion #75 - Host a Prop Hunt event

Approved suggestions

We will be working toward implementing these changes this month:

  • Suggestion #80 - Add a Pico Park role

  • Suggestion #82 - Add a Raft role

  • Suggestion #85 - Add a Mobile Legends role

Rejected suggestions

  • Suggestion #81 - Add a The Hunt Showdown role

    • There doesn’t seem to be enough demand within our community to add this role. If there’s further demand, the team will revisit this in the future.

  • Suggestion #83 - Add a music channel to the Sharing Center

    • With our new Forums channel rollout, we’ll be adding a post or thread for music under our newly renamed #🎭│literature-and-media forums channel.

  • Suggestion #84 - Add a Fallout 76 XB role

    • There doesn’t seem to be enough demand within our community to add this role. If there’s further demand, the team will revisit this in the future.

  • Suggestion #86 - Add a channel for people to drop their artwork

    • With our new Forums channel rollout, we’ll be adding a post or thread for visual art under our new #💟│passion forums channel.

  • Suggestion #87 - Add a select all function for clearing out seen alerts

  • Suggestion #88 - Create a channel for small businesses people love and want to share

    • This falls under our #📟│self-promo channel and must follow our channel guidelines in order to post.

  • Suggestion #89 - Create a channel for translators to discuss how to translate certain things from one language to another

    • There isn’t enough demand to warrant its own channel. We recommend using #❓︱career-general or #📋︱opportunities-board if you’re looking to hire a translator.

Completed suggestions

  • Suggestion #74 - Add a pinned message in #🏠│looking-for-group with quick instructions on how to @ roles

  • Suggestion #76 - Create a permanent True Crime discussion channel (this will be our new TGH Unsolved channel)

  • Suggestion #77 - Create a pingable role for people who just want to hangout and chat in VC

We hope you enjoy using the new Discord Forums channel, we really want to help improve our community as much as we can so that you can have the best member experience. Please don’t hesitate to let us know your thoughts either in the server or through the TGH ModMail! With that, see you online and happy gaming. 🎮

💖 Karina

Discord Community Manager

Haven’t joined our Discord community yet? Well, we’re honoured to be the first to give you a personal invite. Come and hop into our online community of gameHERs where you can find other gameHERs to play with, nerd over the same niche interests, and stay connected to the wider gaming community!