Glam Daddy of Gamer Glam Cosmetics: Streamer and Cosmetics Entrepreneur


Career Spotlight interviews women professionals in the gaming world. It is our hope that by showcasing all the different ways women have made careers in gaming, we can show the endless possibilities to other gameHERs who may want to pursue their own paths in the industry.


Glam Daddy, Founder and CEO of Gamer Glam Cosmetics, photo courtesy of the subject

Glam Daddy, Founder and CEO of Gamer Glam Cosmetics, photo courtesy of the subject

This week we feature a CEO who started in streaming, formerly known as OooohDaddy, now Glam Daddy.  She has streamed for 6 years for Twitch, Mixer, and now Facebook. Glam Daddy was a Mixer Partner, and now is a Facebook Gaming Partner. She is the creator of Gamer Glam Cosmetics, a cosmetic company recognized for its efforts to acknowledge women of diverse cultures, sexual orientation, age, etc. in the gaming and cosplay industry.


To back way up, what is your first gaming memory?

My first gaming memory is when I was six years old, my father bought me an NES system. I loved it, but I did not understand the concept of the game. I only remembered there was a spaceship that I couldn’t use. Then when I got my first PlayStation, I played games like Blast Chamber, Spyro, Crash, etc.


Can you tell us a bit about how you got into streaming and your journey in becoming a partner on Mixer and then Facebook?

I got into streaming by helping others in Destiny raids. My team at the time carried over 150 people and recorded their experiences for fun. Then I began to watch other influencers and I enjoyed their content. So, I started on Twitch, then moved over to Mixer. I had so much fun, enjoyed the Mixer community, and met amazing people. Then Mixer partnered with me in July. After Mixer shut down, I decided to stream for Facebook but kept my toes in and out on Twitch with GGC.


What advice do you have for gameHERs who may want to become more serious streamers?

If you want to become a serious streamer, have consistency and passion. If you are doing this just for the coins, chances are you may or may not be disappointed when you don’t receive the financial rewards as other successful streamers. Have fun with your community, make positive content, and stay consistent. In the meantime, research the things you may need, upgrade gradually (to provide the best quality for your stream), and be open-minded to change and rejection.


Even before you created Gamer Glam Cosmetics, what role did makeup play in your life, in your streaming, and in how you express yourself?

Before I started GGC, I used to create different characters for my stream. One day I would dress up as Poppy Rose and the other Jay. My community loved my characters because what I was doing was different and they saw multiple sides of me. Makeup helped me create illusions of myself that people enjoyed.


Now let’s talk about Gamer Glam Cosmetics. First of all, can you tell us a bit about the company and what it stands for?

Gamer Glam Cosmetics Promotional Image, starring MidnightPursona and featuring the Space Legend Palette

Gamer Glam Cosmetics Promotional Image, starring MidnightPursona and featuring the Space Legend Palette

Gamer Glam Cosmetics is a Black-owned gaming cosmetic company that started in 2019. We focus our efforts to acknowledge women of diverse cultures, sexual orientation, age, etc. in the gaming and cosplay industry. Our initiative is to create awareness through art in our cosmetics and cinematics. Our products have a gaming design that our customers can identify with. One of our most popular products is our makeup controller that has a color eraser inside. Each makeup controller has a character that identifies with people of the gaming culture.


How did you know you wanted to create your own makeup company, and how did you get started?

The reason why I wanted to create my own company is that there weren’t any makeup companies that interacted with gaming influencers. We didn’t see opportunities nor representation of everyone in the gaming and makeup industry. Not only that, but also a lot of women get bullied in streams from strangers asking “why do you need to wear makeup” or “this is gaming, not a makeup show,” and dealing with that kind of treatment is a struggle every day. GGC is a safe space for anyone who loves to put on eyeshadow just to kick butt.


Were there experiences from your past that you found applied to the process of starting a makeup company?

 Yes, of course. I have a degree in business management, but I also love marketing. I used some of the tools I learned in my marketing training to enhance my streaming experiences, and now I’m using those same qualities for GGC. In school, I was a part of the 100 Black Men of America Auxiliary Club, Collegiate 100, where I became the first woman to become the President of C100. Every event I planned was extravagant, community-based, and fun. I am using all those experiences and skills I’ve learned to apply them to this company and give it a mission.

Gamer Glam Cosmetics Promotional Image starring MootBoink wearing Gamer Glam Cosmetics Neons

Gamer Glam Cosmetics Promotional Image starring MootBoink wearing Gamer Glam Cosmetics Neons

Could you walk us through a few of the day-to-day tasks you find yourself doing as the creator of Gamer Glam Cosmetics?

 First thing, I always check my emails for opportunities, concerns, and or feedback. Second I check the Discord just in case any of my Beauties have any questions or new ideas for the upcoming month. Then I check my social media for any posted looks, new comments, and or new ideas for GGC. I go through orders, making new ideas for packaging and products, and watch beauty videos throughout the time. I always find myself taking a break by playing video games, then I realize I can’t focus on gaming because I have so much to do. Then I go back and repeat.


What skills do you find yourself using the most in your professional life as a brand creator and influencer?

 The skills I’m using are creativity, branding, empathy, marketing, and event structuring. Every day I research popular trends and creative ideas with my Beauty community. There are many skills I need to use to perfect this, but again I’m still learning and growing steadily.


We are starting to see a lot of cosmetic companies get involved with certain games in partnerships. What’s inspiring to you and what is lacking?

The women in gaming are my inspiration. Without their experiences, GGC wouldn’t exist.  We try to represent and acknowledge everyone and give them a platform to share. What is lacking is the representation of POCs. My job is to make sure everyone is included and has the same opportunities as others. GGC is as non-exclusive as gaming should be. My goal is to find anyone who is different and showcase their art and community.


What do you see as the future of the market when it comes to makeup and gaming, and how do you want to be part of shaping it?

Honestly, more cosmetic companies giving opportunities to gaming influencers. This is a hidden market that I already saw amazing opportunities a couple of years ago, and I’m happy they are catching on. For me, how I want to be a part of shaping the future of the industry by giving my company a purpose so that it will not just be “another cosmetic company.” My products have a meaning and the designs have a purpose.

Gamer Glam Cosmetics Promotional Image starring VideoGameDiva, courtesy of Gamer Glam Cosmetics

Gamer Glam Cosmetics Promotional Image starring VideoGameDiva, courtesy of Gamer Glam Cosmetics


For more information or to buy products from Gamer Glam Cosmetics, check out the website:

Follow Gamer Glam Cosmetics on social media:

Instagram: @GamerGlamCosmetics

Twitter: @GamerGlamCosmtx



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