
At what age did you start gaming and what’s your first gaming memory?

I can’t recall the age but I remember having my own Sega Genesis and using my brothers Atari and his Commodore 64. I also recall using our PC to game. I have so many memories mashed together from all of the different games I’ve played. Hard to pick the first!

Which platform are you currently using?

Xbox One and new to PC gaming (New age lol).

What game do you know or like the best?

Well, RDR2 (Red Dead Redemption 2) is one I know pretty darn well but I adore Sniper Elite 2-4! Will say RDR2 for next replies.


What are your top 10 insights, tips, information and/or tid-bits on the game you listed above?

For RDR2

1. Pick up the game guide for the best experience possible!

2. Enjoy the details and beauty of each level.

3. Don’t rush this masterpiece. Hang around the camp. Interact with the gang.

4. Allow yourself to fall in love with the gang and don’t be ashamed.

5. There is not a right or wrong Arthur.

6. Complete the side character missions - they are wonderful!

7. Know the cast appreciates all of their fans.

8. Try the first RDR and Undead Nightmare.

9. Try the online game out. It’s not as bad as people say. Find the right posse.

10. Just ride! Take it all in and enjoy the setting sun or the isolated snowy lands while the wolves sing their songs in the darkness of the night sky.

Could you share a bit about your life, hobbies and/or work outside of gaming?

I work full time as an Emergency Department security guard. I enjoy crafting and making my RDR2 Ducks, custom pop figures (RDR2) and other things like dreamcatchers etc. I’m a mother of two fur babies which I love more than anything! I’m also a cosplayer. I enjoy photography as well. I consider myself very creative and I’m still trying to come to terms that I am an artist in my own way. I can draw some stuff but I don’t enjoy it all that much. If you don’t enjoy what you do, it won’t be fun.

What advice would you give to young gameHERs out there and/or to your younger gameHER self?

Be yourself. If you wanna laugh, laugh. Don’t put up with people and their poor behaviors towards you or others. It’s a game. It’s meant to be fun! You’ll find your group!

Social media information:

@durangodemon13 on Twitter and on Instagram I’m durangothundercosplay

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