[Oct 2021] Discord Monthly Update

What’s that? It’s the next D-MooOoOoOoOooO 👻 It’s finally October which means spoopy season has officially begun. Turn off the lights, grab a blanket, and immerse yourself in the spoopiest of games.


Mod Squad

Thank you to everyone who applied to be a part of our Mod Squad, all of us appreciated the sheer number of members who are passionate about TGH and our community. After very careful consideration, we’re excited to announce our new recruits who will be joining as Junior Moderators effective today. Please welcome Zombie (Amandaorrwhat), BlueLord128, Circie, Magzimillion, ReinaDeLaMuerte_, and WerewolfNL, give them a good ol’ shoutout in #general-lounge!

Community events

It’s time to get your spoopy face and costumes on, we’ve got a whole lineup of themed Halloween events!

  • Oct 15th 8-10pm (ET) - Ghoulie Gartic Phone with Aiyana and Karina

  • Oct 16th-17th - Minecraft Build Battle with Amanda

  • Oct 20th 9-11pm (ET) - Overwatch Halloween Terror with Zombie

  • Oct 31st (time TBA) - TGH Haunted House/Spookapalooza (more details to come)

That’s not all! We’ve still got some events in the works so keep your eyes peeled in #event-announcements when we’ve got them nailed down.

Server changes

  • In case you didn’t notice, we’ve finished implementing our channel clean up! We reduced our total number of channels by almost 30% and we will continue to continuously assess how we can change our server for the better. 

  • We are delighted to announce that we have now included a “Please ask/Unspecified” option in our #assign-roles.

  • Earlier this month, we held a 24-hour emoji and sticker voting contest as the question of the day (QOTD), unfortunately it didn’t pan out as expected (that’s completely on me). We’ll be revisiting this again in October, but we’ll make sure that we have a proper process in place that provides all the right permissions! Thank you for your patience.

Suggestions (before September 15)

Progress updates

  • Suggestion #5 - Adding in Pokemon Bot - Currently on hold

  • Suggestion #14 - Facilitating discussions around gaming - In progress

Approved suggestions

We will be working toward implementing these changes this month:

  • Suggestion #24 - Adding a Splitgate role

Rejected suggestions

  • Suggestion #3 - Hosting a community movie night

    • Unfortunately, after looking into copyright laws, it’s currently illegal to stream copyrighted content through Discord unless it’s under public domain.

Completed suggestions

  • Suggestion #17 - Hosting a server-wide multiplayer event

  • Suggestion #21 - Adding Genshin Impact to the PC/Mobile play together role

  • Suggestion #23 - Changing #📣│announcements to a public announcement channel

  • Suggestion - Making our server a template

I don’t know about you, but I’m so hyped for this month. Let the Halloween festivities begin! Catch you in the server, happy spoopy gaming y’all 🎮🎃

💖 Karina

Discord Community Manager

Haven’t joined our Discord community yet? Well, we’re honoured to be the first to give you a personal invite. Come and hop into our online community of gameHERs where you can find other women and femme-identifying players to game with, nerd over the same niche interests, and stay connected to the wider gaming community!