Krista Hiner, Esports Lawyer



Krista Hiner, photo courtesy of the subject

Krista Hiner, photo courtesy of the subject

This week, we feature Krista Hiner, Esq. an attorney at ESG law, the first law firm in the world exclusively dedicated to esports.

In this interview, we discuss Krista’s current job at ESG law, the career journey that brought her to the firm, and advice she has for gameHERs who may be interested in pursuing a similar path.

The*gameHERs team:

Could you tell us a bit about your current job at ESG Law and what it is you and the firm do?

Krista Hiner:

I’m a partner and attorney at ESG Law. My entire book of business, which spans teams, tournament organizers, and venues, is deeply ingrained in esports. Like any business, these esports companies need to minimize legal risk in their day-to-day activities and deals. So, I do a lot of general advising on processes, and I participate in a lot of my clients’ strategizing. I also handle a ton of sponsorship contracts, other business-to-business contracts, and talent contracts. This usually involves participating in negotiations with agents/attorneys (and a lot of writing).


G.H.: How did you come to this particular job? Were you always interested in gaming or did that interest develop after your work with ESG began?

K.H.: I’ve been a gamer since I was a kid. I fell in love with it while playing a ported version of the original TMNT for NES on our family’s old IBM. I spent hundreds of hours on my Game Boy. In college I was an avid Halo player. I’ve just never stopped gaming. 

I’ve been practicing law since 2010 with a focus on employment and workplace laws. Early in my career I noticed esports taking off. I watched it as a fan more than anything else, but was interested in the inevitable legal issues surrounding player retention, sponsorships, and immigration. I eventually realized that I wanted to pivot my legal career to focus on all the interesting legal issues popping up in this novel industry, and started following the career of—and content published by—ESG founder Bryce Blum. I eventually met Bryce, and in 2017 I started working at ESG. 


GH: What are some things you believe can be done to make the world a better place for female gamers?

K.H.: Increased visibility of members of marginalized groups: not just female gamers, but also people of color, non-binary, etc. Increased visibility will inspire more to join, participate, and be vocal. And all of us, in all these groups, need to support the other groups. Embracing the support of our allies when those opportunities arise is another key step.


G.H.: If a young gameHER wanted to become a lawyer in the field of esports, what are some of the things she would need to do?

K.H.: Be proactive and get involved! The Esports Bar Association ( has a lot of opportunities for attorneys (and law students) to be active in committees. This is a great way to get exposure to legal issues in esports and network. It is a fairly easy way to show off your awesome work ethic, and make yourself known, to established lawyers in the space.  The EBA also presents a number of legal education events, publishes an academic journal, and provides recommended reading to members who are interested in learning more about legal issues relevant to esports.


G.H.: Personally, which games do you play?

K.H.: I love Rainbow Six Siege. I also really like playing indie games to unwind -- I’m currently playing Sea Salt, which is a cool little action-strategy horror game.


G.H.: What advice would you give to young gameHERs out there and/or your younger gameHER self?

Krista Hiner and a colleague, photo courtesy of the subject

Krista Hiner and a colleague, photo courtesy of the subject

K.H.: Ignore the haters.   


Follow Krista Hiner on Twitter at @KristaHiner


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