
At what age did you start gaming and what’s your first gaming memory? 

I started gaming at a fairly young age.  I remember visiting family in the Missouri Ozarks and returning back to the Texas Panhandle ranting and raving about my cousin's NES.  My great grandfather got me an NES that same week.  I was the first great-grandkid, so Pawpaw couldn't let me go without one.  I remember playing Duck Hunt on it.  I liked the dog, but I preferred to shoot the clay, not the ducks.

Which systems do you remember playing on and what games did you play the most? 

As stated above, the NES.  But I didn't really get really into a game until Ocarina of Time on the Nintendo 64.  Eventually as time went on I had the original Xbox.  And then eventually PC games.  I had the Xbox 360 in college.


Which platforms are you currently using? 

I play primarily on PC these days, but I also play on the Playstation 4, and the Nintendo Switch.  I have a 3DS Yoshi Edition because Yoshi green is the best green.  


What game do you know or like the best?

Star Citizen!  I play it a few times a week on my Twitch Stream!  BusterTheDestroyer on Twitch! Come watch me flail my way through the 'verse!


What are your top 10 insights, tips, information and/or tidbits on the game you listed above?

1. If you're new to the game it is helpful to have or make friends to show you the ropes. If you don't have any friends yet in the SC community, then sign up to get a guide assigned to you on the Robert Space Industries website!

2. Star Citizen is in Alpha. There's bugs creepin' and crawlin'. Just stay calm and switch servers if the game is acting up too much.

3. When reporting a bug you've found to the issue council, be sure to search around other reports first and make sure someone hasn't already reported the same bug. If they have you can contribute to that report!

4. If there is a ship you are considering making a pledge for then be sure to find a friend that has it first so you can give it some test runs. You can also purchase and/or rent most ships in game (but not all).

5. Many of the content creators in the SC community are pretty knowledgeable and if you're experiencing something and have a question, some of them are a good bet for an immediate answer.

6. In relation to the above, if the content creator can't answer your question, usually there is someone in chat who can!

7. Learn speed control if you want to dogfight properly (dogfighting: ship to ship fighting)!

8. Mouse and keyboard are fine; they’re what I use, but them dual flight sticks though...

9. GameGlass is also a great product to accompany the game if you have a tablet and the real estate on or around your gaming rig.

10. Speak in chat like Starfleet, but fly and fight like a Klingon.

Could you share a bit about your life, hobbies and/or work outside of gaming?  

Professionally I came up from theatre and the concert industry.  I've been everything from a stage hand to a bouncer, lighting designer to production manager.  In recent years I've been more in the event management game, but with the current state of the world I have no events to manage and a lot of cancellations.  Though, I've been pretty focused on Twitch streaming for the last year and a half.  Hobby wise, I really love cooking, fermentation, occasionally I get a wild hair to return to my roots and draw something. I've also become a firm believer in the brand that is MAC Cosmetics.  I was not much of a makeup wearer, but it’s become a really fun way to express my creativity in a new format.


What advice would you give to young gameHERs out there and/or to your younger gameHER self?

Play what you like, don't let trolls get you down.  You and other women and girls like you make up almost half of the gaming market.  It’s up to us grown women to do our part to ensure the gaming culture you come of age in doesn't treat a woman-identifying person like they are some rare bird or oddity.  And if you're ever in Star Citizen having any issues, holler, I got people.  We gotcha lil' sister women. 


Twitch Channel:



Name and/or gamertag or gamer name:

BusterTheDestroyer, usually


Social media information:

Twitter: @BusterDestroyer

Instagram: @BusterDestroyer 

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