Caitlin Drummond

At what age did you start gaming and what’s your first gaming memory? 

 I was around age nine when I had my first gaming experience. It was the year 1999 and my parents got me a Game Boy Color. This was the same time my Pokémon obsession started, and I was so excited to get my first Pokémon games for the Game Boy Color. I believe my first games were Red, Blue, and Gold.

Which systems do you remember playing on and what games did you play the most? 

I never have owned one of the big systems like a Playstation or Xbox, but throughout the years I have had a few handheld systems. As I said, when I was young it was the Game Boy Color that I played the Pokémon games on. My second system, a few years later, was a Game Boy Advanced SP which got so many games for. From what I remember, my most played games on it were Need For Speed: Most Wanted and a That’s So Raven game. I have an interesting fascination with street racing games and that theme will be carried on with my next and most current game system. My last game system, that is still in my room to this day, is my Nintendo DS. Most played game on the DS definitely goes to Need For Speed: Carbon as well as Nintendogs.


Which platforms are you currently using? 

Currently, I don’t really play on any game systems. Now I mostly play board games, Cards Against Humanity-style card games, and of course Dungeons & Dragons.


What game do you know or like the best? 

Dungeons & Dragons definitely takes the first place ribbon for the game I like the best. I spend a lot of my time creating characters and collecting dice so I would also say I know D&D the best too.


What are your top 10 insights, tips, information and/or tidbits on the game you listed above?

1. D&D is an amazing escape from the pressures of everyday life.

2. D&D is a great way for people with fantastic imaginations, like me, to express their creativity.

3. I would like to, at some point in my career, develop a social skills group that uses D&D to help children with disabilities develop social skills and gives them a safe place to experiment using their character.

4. To create a fascinating character, try starting with a rough idea of a backstory you’d like to have and use that to inform what class you choose. This has always been a helpful way for me to structure characters.

5. Dungeon masters should try to call on their players by their character name. I know this helps me feel and stay engaged with the story being told.

6. Try not to spend too much money on dice. LOL!

7. Stick to the rules set forth, but don’t overly cling to them.

8. Gaming conventions are great places to get ideas and just be your nerdy self.

9. Don’t pay attention to what others say, if you love D&D keep loving it. That goes for any type of fandom.

10. If you put in the time and dedication, D&D can be a career for you. This is where I am at right now. I’m hoping that at some point I may be able to make the world of D&D a career by making contacts like the*gameHERs.

Could you share a bit about your life, hobbies and/or work outside of gaming?

I was born and raised in Pennsylvania, and currently live in Texas. I grew up horseback riding and still own a horse who lives back in PA with my parents. I am a wildlife professional by trade and have spent most of my adult life working seasonal National Park Service jobs. I love to work outside and I crave it. I have a masters degree in marine resources management and prefer to work at barrier island national seashores and live in coastal areas. For me, the ocean is life itself. Right now I am working as a special education paraprofessional at a junior high school and I’m hoping to work more in the special needs field in the future. This goal is very important to me as an autistic adult.


What advice would you give to young gameHERs out there and/or to your younger gameHER self? 

Be yourself, and never let anyone change you into someone you’re not. Stand up for what you believe in and if you have a passion keep pursuing it.


Do you have a personal or professional website and if so - if you're comfortable with people checking it out - please list it here:   

I don’t have a personal or professional website, but you can find me on Facebook as Caitlin Drummond. I also have a D&D Meetup group called “D&D Lovers Only.”

Photo of Caitlin Drummond, courtesy of the gameHER

Photo of Caitlin Drummond, courtesy of the gameHER

Did you enjoy getting to know Caitlin in this interview? Check out her pieces for our blog:

How D&D Changed My Life

The Power of Fandom

Gaming During COVID-19: Bringing Us Comfort and Normalcy

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