Carolyn Page


Carolyn Page a.k.a. jacuzzitubbs, photo courtesy of the subject

At what age did you start gaming and what’s your first gaming memory? 

My earliest video game memory is of King’s Quest, a point and click adventure game. The intense pixelated colors and voice acting drew me in. The unforeseen consequences to my actions as I navigated the game felt like playing with a friend. But the puzzles baffled me, luckily my kind and very patient mother got the guide book and helped me through the whole game. She’d never call herself a gamer, but the hours of Solitaire she’s put in on PC beg to differ.

Which systems do you remember playing on and what games did you play the most? 

The Sims on PC. One day I lied about being sick. I wanted to stay home from school and play The Sims. I played for 10 hours, it was glorious. But I played most of it in fast motion. When I stood up my perception of movement was bizarre. My brain interpreted my normal walking speed as fast motion while I went down my hallway. Honestly, one of my first psychedelic experiences.

What game do you know or like the best?

Magic: The Gathering for both answers.

What are your top 10 insights, tips, information and/or tidbits on one game you listed above?

1. Take your time. Even if a mean older man is your opponent and he is scowling at you from across the table.

2.  Never keep a two land hand. (Well, almost never.)

3. Find a group of people that play how you want to play, don’t settle for jerks, just because you think they’re the only game in town.

4. Anticipating your opponent’s next move can win you the game.

5.  Playing with better players makes you a better player.

6.  If you teach other people to play Magic you’ll never be alone again.

7. Read the cards thoroughly.

8. Sometimes you’ll do everything right and still lose.

9. Emergent narrative is fun as hell.

10. Never splash green for fixing.

Could you share a bit about your life, hobbies and/or work outside of gaming?

Outside of gaming I’m a comedy writer and an actor and the host of F*** Marry Kill Champions on the Ujokes YouTube channel. Ideally I’d spend all my time swimming in the warm waters of storytelling. When I’m not gaming, writing, or performing, I’m usually cooking while watching TV… Answering this I’m realizing I have got to get outside more.

Check out Carolyn on Twitch at: and @jacuzzitubbs wherever social media is found.

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