

Aimee Paye a.k.a. MsDestroya, photo courtesy of the subject

At what age did you start gaming and what’s your first gaming memory? 

I’m not too sure what age I started gaming, but one of my earliest memories takes me back to when I was around 12 years old. I remember coming home from school and hopping onto my Xbox 360. At that time, Minecraft was my absolute go-to. I always looked forward to being done with school for the day because it meant I got to go home, hop online with my friends to make houses out of blocks and go mining for diamonds. Thinking back on it now, I truly miss those days and wish more than anything that I could relive them. Gaming can still be just as fun today, but something just hits so different about having been able to grow up in games.


Which systems do you remember playing on and what games did you play the most? 

Gaming existed on various platforms throughout my childhood. In my room I had my 360, a few different Nintendo DSs, a Gamecube, and a Wii. When I was younger and before I took a bit of a break from gaming, I was almost always playing Minecraft, Black Ops 2, or Nintendogs! Not that this counted as a game, but PictoChat also was a big part of my life as a kid.


Which platforms are you currently using? 

My main platform that I play on right now is my PlayStation 5. It’s kinda crazy that I play on PlayStation because at one point I did “switch sides,” as most of my gaming career has taken place on the Xbox! After comparing controllers from both consoles one day, I came to the decision that I would spend my time getting comfortable playing with a PS controller because I really liked how the analog sticks were symmetrical.


What game do you know or like the best?

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge Call Of Duty fanatic so anytime I am online, COD is listed right under my profile. Something about the graphics and details of the game, such as the difference between hit markers’ sound effects keep me so intrigued. Lately though, I decided to try out Apex and I’ve very quickly become obsessed. I wish I had more friends who played it because it is so much fun!

What are your top 10 insights, tips, information and/or tidbits on one game you listed above?

With still being new to Apex, I have a lot to learn, but I’m more than happy to share what I have experienced that has helped me grow in my gameplay.


1. Keeping circle edge (staying at the ends of the zone) allows for good rotation since you know there would be no teams behind you, giving you one less direction to worry about!

2.  Having comms is crucial to being able to work and play as a team, especially if it's not a premade squad.

3. High ground is very necessary when it comes to the last few squads because it will allow you to have a better angle to fight and help farm more damage for your stats.

4. Try to loot as much as possible! I lose fights too often just because I don't have enough ammo.

5.  Experiment with different legends. When first starting out, I tried to main one legend, but they each have awesome passive and ultimate abilities!

6.  You’ll notice as you queue into lobbies with friends or randoms they can hover over a legend before it's their turn to pick. If you happen to want to play the same legend as them, try to let the person who hovered over the legend first get that pick.

7. Looking up any questions you have about the game online is super helpful. Highly recommend searching through Reddit threads on Apex too!

8. A great way to start the game off is by picking a good spot to land. Drop into a few pub matches to get familiar with different areas of map and the tiers of loot you can usually find.

9. Movement is KEY! Flanking to better rotate and taking cover can save you in gunfights!

10. Last but not least, play and strategize the ways that work best for you and keep you in your comfort zone. If you want to become a more aggressive player or overall just alter your current gameplay, take some time to have fun and practice in the firing range. Drop in and have fun :)

Could you share a bit about your life, hobbies and/or work outside of gaming?

When you don’t find me glued to my controller, I embrace my artistic side by taking pictures! I have been taking pictures for about as long as I have been gaming and it brings me so much joy. I get to meet new people through photoshoots and having the opportunity to learn how life has shaped others is so delightful.


What advice would you give to young gameHERs out there and/or to your younger gameHER self?

I know how hard it can be to be a woman in gaming. It’s comforting to know though that you are never alone and never will be. Of course it's in no way, shape, or form okay for anyone to be treating us as if we are less than them or not better just due to the fact that we aren't men. More than half the time, we are outplaying the boys anyways, maybe they just stay salty! Never let anyone or anything ruin your experience. We are so badass and deserve to have a presence in the gaming world that doesn’t involve any exclusion or sexism. Embrace who you are and show the haters that their comments don't phase you. Do what makes you happy, no matter what or who tries to stand in the way of you doing so. Go show them how it's done and play on gameHERs!

Check out MsDestroya (a.k.a. Aimee)’s photography at:

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