At what age did you start gaming and what’s your first gaming memory?

I started playing at age 7. I can remember first playing Nintendo System. I loved it, but when I went to Playstation I stuck with it. . . even to this day. My brother and I would make a fort and play inside of it.

Which systems do you remember playing on and what games did you play the most?

I remember playing Halo and Army of Two all the time with my younger brother. But I played on so many systems. Lol, there was no limit! If I could get my hand on it I played; I owned Sega, Dreamcast, Xbox and obviously Playstation, but I’d also visit my friends to play Nintendo 64. I had so much fun.

I loved playing Mario or Ninja Turtles as four-player coop!

Which platforms are you currently using and what game do you know or like the best?

I’m into Rainbow Six Siege on Playstation 4. I've been into that game for 5 years now. I recently bought Zombie Army 4; I really liked it. It was fun. It reminded me of Killing Floor 2. Killing Floor 2 is a zombie game that was made in the United Kingdom. But no surprise here, the game that never gets boring is Rainbow 6 Siege. Now Apex and Warzone are good in terms of accessibility for me as a deaf gamer because they have a lot of pings and point locations.

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What are your top 10 insights, tips, information and/or tidbits on the game you listed above?

1. Use pings all the time.

2. Have a lot of patience.

3. Practice, Practice, Practice!

4. Communication is key

5. Have a solid gamer buddy network

6. Get information and knowledge from Twitch or Youtube

7. Find your strengths, skills and character. Stick with it, own it know character inside and out.

8. It is ok to make mistakes but keep trying.

9. Always remember to have fun!

10. Be positive.

Could you share a bit about your life, hobbies, and/or work outside of gaming?

I worked as a game caster for deaf gaming convention called “Mazizaw Con.” I enjoy editing videos from my gameplays. I make vlogs spreading awareness about and for deaf gamers.

What advice would you give to young gameHERs out there and/or to your younger gameHER self?

I would tell young me that it is not for everyone, so be okay with people criticizing the gaming culture. I would say to 7-year-old me: learn your craft and focus. I’d be so much further along had I gotten that earlier. To other gameHERs: you are just as good as the boys. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t be as good because of what body you were born in. Follow your passion, and don’t let your age, your sex, or your circumstance stop you. It is never too late to follow your passion. Just get out there and do it!

Is there anything we didn't ask that you wish we did?

As a deaf gamer, I’m often asked, “How are you able to play if I can’t hear?”

My eyes compensate for the lack of hearing and it has worked well for me. . . and I have to be quick with my hand, lol. But as deaf gamers, I think we work hard to be included. No, we can’t use the mic, but there are a lot of us out there with mad skills, so invite them in and watch them work.


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Instagram: DM3_x8

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