
At what age did you start gaming and what’s your first gaming memory? 

The first memory I have of gaming was when I was about four years old and my Dad was teaching me how to game on the PlayStation; I remember playing Crash Bandicoot and Spyro.

Which systems do you remember playing on and what games did you play the most? 

I don't have a clear memory of what consoles and games I played when I was younger but the clearest memories I have of my love for gaming started when I was about six and my parents got me the first Nintendo DS with Nintendogs.

I also remember playing Pokémon, Drawn To Life and Animal Crossing

When I was older my parents got me my first Xbox and I obsessed over Halo, Skyrim, The Witcher, and many other games. 

Not long after that I got given a laptop, and spent my time trying to play The Sims, League of Legends, and MMOs.

Which platforms are you currently using? 

Currently I use all platforms because I love to have variety and I don't like to limit my gaming, especially when it comes to streaming. I own a PC, Xbox One, PS4, and Nintendo Switch.


What game do you know or like the best?

If I had to pick my all-time favorite game, it would be Ark: Survival Evolved.

I'm a huge fan of survival games, and Ark allows me to be creative when it comes to building. And also… I love Dinosaurs. Who doesn't want to be able to ride a Dino into battle?!
It's the one game I will always go to about 6 months down the track and become obsessed all over again.


What are your top 10 insights, tips, information and/or tidbits on the game you listed above?

1. Ark: Survival Evolved is a game to play with friends. Now, with that being said, you can very much play it solo but, I see a lot of people who are new to the game don't end up liking it when they play alone. It's a game best played with friends and just having fun.

2. PVP or PVE: It all comes down to your own gaming style. If you just want to play for fun, tame dinosaurs, build a base, garden, breed, and work towards expanding then make sure you pick PVE because I know how devastating it can be when you get raided and lose all your progress.

If you're into building up defenses and raiding, then PVP is for you!

Personally, I'm more PVE but I don't mind changing things up and playing PVP every so often.

3. The Dinosaurs: Each Dinosaur in Ark has specific skills for harvesting that help you in the game. For example: Ankylosaurs are great for farming Metal, Doedicurus: Stone, Mammoth: Wood, Bronto: Berries, and so on. Keep in mind most of these Dinosaurs have multiple purposes for gathering for example the Mammoth can also gather thatch and Berries, but those are their specialties.

4. Ark Apps: There is many Ark apps and I 100% Recommend using the Dodo Dex or any others that friends recommend. I personally love the Dodo Dex.

It tells you all the information you need to know about each dinosaur; what it gathers, how to tame it, the taming times, what it harvests, structures it can damage, how to breed, what Kibble its eggs make, and so much more. It's extremely helpful for people starting out too.

5. Crafting: There are so many things to craft or make that it can be overwhelming, and I understand that more than you know. Honestly, if you're not sure on something, don't be scared to Google it.

There is so much information when it comes to Ark that Google and YouTube videos can be your best friend.

6. Leveling: A common question I am often asked is are there fast ways to level, and the advice I can give is crafting will level you but also getting on a dinosaurs and go “nom”-ing on other dinosaurs. Not only will you start to level but your dinosaurs will too!

7. Base Location: This all comes down to PVP or PVE.

PVE you can really build anywhere your heart desires but if you are starting out, I recommend starting in an easy spawn area. You can always move your base location later on down the track when you are more prepared.

PVP I would find a place that isn't easily radiable such as on the tops of mountains, in caves and so on.

Also depends on what map you choose.

8. Leave the Base Prepared: I always recommend leaving the base with gear for taming because 9 times out of 10 you see a dinosaur and tame it in the spur of the moment. I might go out to gather materials and come back with an army of raptors. It happens.

9. Dodos Are Your Friends: In early game, dodos are great for getting meat and hide without dying, and because of the kibble system they are great for mass creating kibble (kibble is used to tame dinosaurs faster and helps with breeding). Not to mention if you level up your dodos’ attack damage, and tame enough of them, you can have an army of dodos! And who doesn't want that?

10. Have fun. I can sit here and give advice on Ark for days but the real thing to keep in mind is have fun! I've played this game for years and I will always take a break and come back to it later, but I have fun every time no matter if I play solo or with friends.

If you are not sure on the game and if you would like to play it, I believe it's on Game Pass for you to try (not sure how relevant this will stay).

After writing this I'm now considering doing a YouTube series on Ark! Haha.


Could you share a bit about your life, hobbies and/or work outside of gaming?  

Hi! My name is Shikilynn and I'm an Australian partnered content creator on Mixer and I don't have much of a life outside of gaming; it's sad but true. My life revolves around streaming and playing video games, and for me that's not a bad thing, I love it and it makes me happy.

I'm not able to work due to health reasons, and I spent a long time trying to work out how to do something with my life with such limitations. That's when I found streaming. I was able to take something I love and make a name for myself.

Streaming on Mixer gave me a purpose, a reason to get up in the morning, a reason to keep fighting for myself, and I found happiness. I made a beautiful community and family of people who have supported me from the start, and that understand me.

It's funny how people in another country, or people you wouldn't normally cross paths with in your everyday life, can become your closest friends and family that you can relate to so well.

Gaming brings people together, and you meet people who understand you.

I do have other interests and hobbies though! I'm a huge fan of Anime, I love to draw and spend a large amount of time off stream making art for my channel.

I have a love for the creepy things in life, and a huge fascination for the unknown, mythical creatures, and parts of history.

Documentaries about these things are a go-to for me and I love reading about them along with fiction and crime cases. That’s right; I’m a walking Serial Killer encyclopedia!

What advice would you give to young gameHERs out there and/or to your younger gameHER self?

If I were to start this all over and I would tell myself one thing, and that would be NOT to care what others think.

In any industry, people can be cruel. You will always come across those negative people who just want to bring you down and for what reason? Ignore the comments, because at the end of the day, they don't really know you, do they? Only you know who you are and if someone who knows nothing about you tries to bring you down, don't let them. It's not worth your time or your pain to think about someone who doesn't know you. People just want to get a rise out of you, so don't give them what they what. Just do you!

ALWAYS be true to yourself! People will love you for you!


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TikTok: Shikilynn

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