
Juliette, photos courtesy of the gameHER

Juliette, photos courtesy of the gameHER

At what age did you start gaming and what’s your first gaming memory? 

I’ve been gaming since I was a young girl in the 80’s. Playing games and exploring different worlds and scenarios has always been a huge part of my life. One of my fondest memories was creating my own text-based game on the Commodore 64 that involved ordering at the McDonald’s drive through. So very groundbreaking, I know…!

Which systems do you remember playing on and what games did you play the most? 

Everything and anything! I still have my old Gameboy, Atari and huge collection of games. I went through a few Commodore 64 systems before moving on to my first Intel 486. I was a huge Sega Mega Drive fan, and have owned every variation of PlayStation! I had hundreds of games growing up, but the game that meant the most to me was the Ultima series. I absolutely adored them, and still have amazing fond memories to this day. I’m yet to find a game in that genre that can match it.

Which platforms are you currently using? 

I’m on my PlayStation 4 everyday! I definitely think I’m a console gamer, though I do own some PC games. I just feel more at home on a console, and it seems a bit more of a social system, one that I can sit down with my family at the evening after a long day at work and play together. There are three PS4s in our house, two PS3s, a gaming laptop and a gaming PC, a Nintendo DS and soon to be a Nintendo Switch!

What game do you know or like the best?

Red Dead Redemption 2 has to have one of the best stories I’ve ever experienced.

Juliette Playing Videogames

What are your top 10 insights, tips, information and/or tidbits on the game you listed above?

1. If you want a perfect alligator pelt, don’t use a shotgun like I used to do!

2. Playing the story mode will take you on an emotional rollercoaster. Be prepared to love, laugh and cry with your beloved characters.

3. There are so many places to explore, so be prepared for this game to literally be with you for days, weeks, months, years… It is just that good!

4. You have the ability to take Arthur Morgan down a good or a bad road, the choice is yours. (My Arthur was always a GOOD BOAH).

5. Use a Varmint Rifle to shoot birds and small animals for better quality pelts and carcasses.

6. Remember to visit the Trapper, who will be able to provide you with VERY COOL outfits and accessories, if you bring him the required items.

7. If you download the Rockstar Social Club app, you can be a bit cheeky and order outfits and clothing for Arthur that you may not be able to go and buy.

8. Be careful when visiting Sonny in the swamps north of Saint Denis!

9. Make sure you take the time to explore everywhere, and do as many side missions as you can.

10. There’s also a cool ONLINE mode as well, where you can meet up and play with friends in a posse and do missions and challenges together!

Could you share a bit about your life, hobbies and/or work outside of gaming?  

I live with my family and 3 cats in Australia. Other than gaming, I’m usually busy with my own business which is in retail. I love to cook, though it never looks like the picture, and I’m always wanting to create as much as possible. I think that’s why I love having a YouTube channel. It allows me to create something, have fun whilst doing it, and to share what I’ve created with others… who hopefully like it too.

What advice would you give to young gameHERs out there and/or to your younger gameHER self?

Don’t let anyone say that you’re silly for playing games, or that games are a waste of time. Games can provide you with so many skills. They allow you to develop your reading and reflexes, they also allow your imagination to run wild and give you the ability to visit many different worlds and times. They are also excellent for learning teamwork and communication. I am a huge advocate for allowing children the freedom to enjoy games, as it really does positively enrich lives. There’s nothing at all wrong with being a gameHER, and gamming is something everyone of ALL genders can love and enjoy.

What is your dream gaming system?

I would love to live long enough to experience true VR with smells, sights, sounds, touch… I think that is definitely going to be available one day in the future, and I can’t wait to be able to experience that!

Do you have a personal or professional website?

www.youtube.com/xjuliettex for fun, casual and relaxing gameplay!

Name and/or gamertag or gamer name and country:

Juliette from Australia

Social media information:

Twitter: @juliettexgaming

Instagram: @juliettexgaming

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