Victoria Von Blaque


What are your top 10 insights, tips, information and/or tidbits on gaming?

1. Pay Attention!!!

2. Do all side quests.

3. Go off the Beaten Path! Usually, the game designer will hide some perks you can use in the game.

4. Like anything else, research the game you’re playing. See if there’s any folklore surrounding it, that’s a much-needed advantage in most RPGs.

5. Talk to all NPCs if possible.

6. Mod and equip armor appropriately, there’s no reason a healer should be rocking DPS armor.

7. No one likes a troll! I don’t care how OP someone is if they’re Halla annoying I will block them in a heartbeat!

8. Use your mic responsibly! I guess this piggybacks off of number seven but do you onto others as you want to be done to you!

9. Play the game at least twice! Most likely the first time around you is too excited to beat the game to get into all the details.

10. Have fun. This is self-care for most people after all.

Could you share a bit about your life, hobbies and/or work outside of gaming? 

I am an entrepreneur and an entertainer. I own an adult entertainment company called Femme Fatale, LLC. When I’m not being a cyber prostitute or playing video games, I do lip-synch/singing performances. 

What advice would you give to young gameHERs out there and/or to your younger gameHER self?

Don’t let anyone tell you who you can or will be in life. Don’t let cis heteronormative behavior or Eurocentric standards of beauty define your existence. I’ve heard countless times how I am “too attractive to be a nerd” or “ your rightful place is in the kitchen and not on video games”. Darling, I will whoop your ass in Mortal Kombat and still make a delicious 420-infused shrimp and grits!

How has gaming impacted your life?

Contrary to my work persona, I am quite shy, an introvert. I battle with depression, PTSD and anxiety on a daily basis. For the most part video games provides a safe space for escapism. 


Name and/or Gamertag or gamer name:

Pretty much any place I can play video games my username is the same: Bbwfemmefatale. If you play DCUO, my main toons are Syren DeVille and La Bruja

Social media:

My Instagram is @theperfectpoison 

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